04 October 2016

YOU by Carolyn Kepnes

BIBLIOGRAPHY  Kepnes, Carolyn.  2014. YOU.  New York, NY: Atria Paperback.  ISBN 978-1476785608.

Aspiring writer, Guinevere Beck (Beck) meets Joe in the bookstore he works in.  Intrigued by beautiful Beck, Joe Googles the name he finds on her credit card. Easily accessible on Facebook and Twitter, Joe learns all he needs to about her….to invisibly and obsessively take control of Beck and her life.

Kepnes deals a thriller that is set in today’s world.  We so easily share information on social media and the ramifications CAN be disastrous.  Kepnes illustrates this well.  Yes it’s extreme, but it is possible and created in such a realistic way, that I found myself liking Joe.  Then suddenly I’d be yelling at myself for just this.  Kepnes does a great job showing how predators can worm their way into your life and you could not even be aware.  There is no such thing as “I’d never…..”  Yes, everyone could be vulnerable. 
Definitely unsettling, I highly recommend this book.  Creepy.  Realistic.  Engrossing.  I often like controversial books, so as I often do, I’ll let you know that.  Books that make you think and take you outside your comfort zone.  It’s not a pretty or easy story but it’s incredible.  Try it and let me know what you think.

Kirkus Reviews: “An impending sense of dread hangs over Kepnes’ cleverly claustrophobic debut, in which love takes on a whole new meaning. “
Huffpost Books:  “You is the kind of book you will read whenever you have a spare moment. It is the book you will not be able to put down, and once you finish, you will want to start over again.”
Stephen King:  “Hypnotic and scary.”


If you liked YOU, be sure to read the sequel, HIDDEN BODIES.  It isn’t quite what YOU is, but worth the read, continuing Joe’s Story.  GONE GIRL is another that will appeal to readers of YOU, or vice versa.